
Not My Real Name

I introduce myself in meetings by my first name because I believe newcomers take comfort in this practice. I know I did when I was new. I introduce myself by both first and last names when I address community groups as part of our public outreach effort. I use my full name when I share by email. My use of my name varies depending on the circumstance, but the concept of "personal anonymity" goes deeper than how many names I use to introduce myself. It reminds me that I don't deserve any personal credit for my sobriety or for anything good in Alcoholics Anonymous, past, present or future. Every drop of the good is supplied by the Source and I am merely a channel of this good.

It's easy for ego, the little self-promoter, to take credit for everything good that happens both inside and outside of our rooms. Ego says, "I did this, I did that, and you should do what I did." Ego's sobriety is a self-help program. It goes good for a couple of weeks, but it doesn't last. Spirit's sobriety is a God-help program. It's eternal. It's not about what I do, it's about what I am becoming. Your sobriety is attractive to me, not because you can quote the Big Book chapter and verse, but because you seem peaceful and happy. I sense that you fit comfortably in your own skin.

My name is not the truth of what I am. It is just a convenience like my email address. On the level of spirit, there is no Jeff, Sally and Bill there is only spirit. My sobriety is attractive when I let let go of my personal identity and simply let the qualities of spirit shine through.