

 I remember whining to my sponsor when I was new about how the people in my life weren’t following my script. “Do you always expect to get your way?” he asked. “Yes, of course" I replied. Well then you had better prepare yourself for a life full of disappointment because it’s never going to happen.” I was shocked. Of course I expect to get my way. Doesn’t everyone? 

Expectations, especially of other people, sooner or later end in resentment for me. The more reasonable my expectation, the angrier I became when it isn't met. I expected people to treat me with courtesy and respect. It took many years in AA to see that when I point my finger of guilt at others, I have three fingers pointing back at me. I expected courtesy and respect, but hardly treated others this way. Today I'm better. 

Today I know that God puts other people in my life not to fulfill my expectations but to help me grow.  We are all hot-wired to pursue our own happiness. Living without demands on others is truly the softer, easier way to go through life. I'm working on it.